Friday, February 5, 2010


wow.  this was the most difficult topic for me so far, because it ran up against some of *my* stuff. it really is a simple concept, it was just hard for me personally.  so, here's what I've learned from millie in the past two days.

"there is a love field that pervades and permeates the earth and the space around it.  this love field is always available to you if you reach out and touch it with your mind or heart.  the connection is more direct if you reach out with your heart, but sometimes it is easier to start with your mind, not so overwhelming."

millie showed me the two of us as two threads in an infinite blanket, connected to each other and to everyone else, out to infinity.  she had me zoom out to see the whole picture, and this blanket of love is everywhere.  'love field' is the best I could do to describe what she sends me when she is addressing this topic.

"the love field is the connection between all things.  animals live in fairly close contact with and awareness of the love field.  humans experience the love field through their animals.  that is why it feels so good, so right, to love and be loved by an animal.  it puts you in direct contact with all the love in the universe.  

this is our gift.  this is our job, our function, to keep you connected until you rediscover how to connect yourself.

that isn't exactly right, you don't need to connect, you already are connected.  it takes but a tiny shift in your awareness to realize the everythingness of the love field."

as I mentioned, it took me two days to 'get' this message from millie.  there was a lot of back and forth from the desk to the window, and a lot of laying on my chest.  at this point, I was trying to jot down some notes about what I thought I understood about what she was sending me.  she lay down on my notepad and told me

"just feel it.  just feel it."

so I sat.  we sat together.  still not clear, so she continued

"this field is the fabric of life, and more.  it is energy.  it is vibration.  it is connection.  it is the 'one' we are all a part of.

bringing your awareness to it will expand your consciousness.  it will bring the infinite to the now.  it is not a thing you need to search for.  it is not a place you need to find.  it is in you, it is everywhere."

I asked her how to access this feeling, this field.

"think of the love you have with your animals, so natural, so automatic.  climb inside of that love.  become it.  be it.  you are there.  your awareness expands from the animal to the universe of love.  there is no difference, no demarcation, no distinction, it just continues on."

at this point, I had spent the better part of the day not-quite-getting the substance of millie's message.  I was tired and discouraged, but one more piece came through.

"much of the time, when you think of 'love' in relation to another, you are thinking of that emotion as applied to your *idea* of them.  the normal human definition of love is small and incomplete.  love is much larger than you realize.  and you are immersed in it.  completely.  constantly." be continued....

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