Monday, February 15, 2010

lions & tigers & bears, oh my

"lions and tigers and bears are real fears that you use as a shield, to keep you from looking into dark corners.  but fear is a sign-post, a neon arrow, pointing you to the places that need the light the most.

your own lions and tigers and bears could be anything.  they could be about anything.  it doesn't matter what they are about.  you can dig them up and examine them and possibly even understand them, and yet still feel them, still let them affect you.  

get rid of your fears by ceasing to acknowledge them, remove your focus, remove your energy.

intend, as you are creating your world with each forward step into what-is-yet-to-be, that your world is without fear.  do it, not by thinking of them, but by *not* thinking of them.  you are complete and whole, and totally without fear.  there is no room for lions and tigers and bears in your world.  create them out of existence by ceasing to think about them.

sometimes it is not a weakness you fear, sometimes it is a strength.  you are powerful, there is no need for you to fear yourself.  embrace your strength.  step into your power.  don't judge yourself for having lions and tigers and bears, they served a purpose. 

have fun, be light, be easy on yourself.  always interact through love, with yourself, with everyone."

thank you, millie.