Saturday, February 13, 2010

believe in yourself

"you can create for yourself anything you need.  you are capable of climbing to unimaginable heights and pulling the answers to your needs from thin air.  the only thing missing is your belief in yourself.  anything is possible!  there are NO LIMITS.

self-doubt is heavy, limiting, stifling -- it is like a cage and you are trapped inside.  self-doubt keeps you prisoner.  it keeps you from flying, it keeps you from being the truly magical person you are.  self-doubt is a very heavy, dark energy.  it is crushing you, keeping you down.

the thing about self-doubt is *you* are the key to getting out of your cage.  you can unlock it and walk free at any time.  the only thing keeping you in the cage is you.  in fact, the cage doesn't really exist.  you made it up.  but its effect on you is very real.  don't mistake the real-ness of the effects of self-doubt as proof of the reality for the doubt itself.  just because the non-existent cage keeps you from flying, from doing anything and everything you have ever dreamed -- just because the cage *acts* like a cage -- doesn't make it real.  it is not real.  it is imaginary.

give up your imaginary prison of self-doubt.  walk away.  fly away.  be free to be who you really are."

I am tracking you, mil, but *how* exactly do we unlock our cages?  if it were easy, I'm guessing everyone would have done it already.

"as with most things that are created in your mind, this requires a shift in perspective.  you must slide your mind slightly to the side and look at this with new eyes."

that is the literal translation of what she sent me.  but I need more help, so I asked her

how do we shift our perspective?

"go to the fountain inside of you that is your mind's eye, your godhead, the source of your magic.  ask your inner oracle what is possible.  everything is possible.  your inner oracle knows.  and you must believe."

and that will help us shift our perspective?

"you cannot meet your true essence and not be changed.  the act of journeying inward and seeing the magic and beauty that is you will shift you."

I did as millie suggested.  I have no idea what effect it had on my level of self-doubt, but I can say it was amazing and I do feel different, lighter somehow.

thank you, millie.

"you are welcome."

did we get it all?

"ride the wave."

she sends me an amazing, peaceful vision of floating on the crest of a blue wave.  when I ask her what the wave is, she says

"that is your flow.  relax.  enjoy."

the wave carries me gently along and sets me down on a beautiful beach.

"you are outside of the cages of your own making.  you are on the shore of endless possibility.  move forward and create your world."

as I step forward onto the beach, the hazy, swirly light in front of me becomes solid ground, each step solidifies another part of the ground.  I walk forward and realize that I am *creating* this as I go.  I visualize things and they appear.  it is effortless and instant.  it feels like a daydream or a meditation.  I am always walking at the very edge of what's real (behind me, underneath me, beside me) and what is yet-to-be.  I really enjoyed this daydream, so I walked along creating things for a while, and then I wondered

what is this a metaphor for?

"this is your life.  this is how it works.  you have unlimited creative potential, and you *create* your life.  it isn't a metaphor.  this is it."

holy shit.

she hops off my lap.  we are done.  I have got it.