Saturday, January 30, 2010


millie's brain to my fingers.

"go with the flow.  trust that everything happens exactly as it should.  trust that you had a plan for this life and that you are following it.  just trust.  

give yourself some credit!  know that you are finding or following your soul purpose.  know that you are exactly where you are supposed to be on your path.  give yourself permission to be.  to be you.  to be where you are.  to be going where you're going.  

do what you do.  love what you do.  do what you love.

let go of the need for control.  control is a fantasy.  there is no. such. thing.  you have free will and so does every other being on the planet.  that introduces more variables than you could ever imagine into every moment.  trying to control your life is like trying to control the weather.  it is laughable to think you can control anything, any situation, any action.

the need for control, the effort to achieve the impossible, causes a lot of strife in the world.

let it go."

she sends me a feeling like that song "don't worry, be happy."

millie, you are a treasure.  I am so honored to know you.