Monday, March 29, 2010


just as with the trees, millie is showing me field full of wildflowers.  we zoom in on a yellow one, missing half its petals, then out again to see the whole meadow.  we zoom in on a white one, with a crooked stem, then out again to the wide meadow.

"humans are like that.  you all have flaws.  none of you are a perfect specimen, there is no such thing as perfect.  each of you is full of beauty and you contribute to a greater beauty.  taken as a whole, you are really quite lovely."

what makes us lovely?

"many of you shine with a special light.  more and more of you are shining all the time.  it doesn't really make sense to talk about 'we' and 'you' and 'us' and 'them.'  we are all one.  you see yourselves as individuals but you are also part of a larger, connected whole.  it is easier to see humanity as a group when you are not currently human."

millie shows me the whole earth with people all over the place shining their lights out into space.  it really is very pretty.

so, what do we do now?

"live your life.  be who you are.  learn.  grow.  give others permission to learn and grow.  you don't have to 'do' anything.  you are being it.  you are all meant to shine as gods, as goddesses, as the source shines, as I shine."

millie is sitting across my chest, purring.  I have my eyes closed, but I 'look' down at her and she is glowing gold.

I thought that was the message for the day, but she had more.  I had a hard time picking the right word for what she said next...

"your individuality is a mask, shield, tool."

a tool for what?

"for discovering the truth about you."

and that is?

"that there is no such thing as individuality.  not the way you think of it, as though you are truly alone and separate.  you and I are one.  I am you, giving you a message for yourself.  you are me, giving me a gift from myself.  everyone you meet is a mirror."

I don't like the sound of that.  I *like* my individuality.

"we are individual expressions of the same thing."

then what is the point?

"curiosity.  learning.  growth."

I am not happy with the idea that all of creation is for the amusement and entertainment of a bored source.

"we are *all* source.  there is no source apart from all of us.  *we* choose this."


"why not?  what else would we be doing?"

I don't want to be everyone.  I don't want everyone to be me.

"only in a larger sense is this true.  the flowers are still flowers, it's just that the meadow is really really big.  you are still you, with your own particular mission and lessons to learn."

hmmm.  I will have to think about this, I'm having a hard time getting my head around it.

"saying we are all one is not the same as saying we are all the *same* one.  we are just made of the same 'stuff.'"

I'm kind of attached to my me-ness.  I guess I will need to look at why that is.

thank you, millie.