Saturday, February 27, 2010

good & bad

I asked millie about right and wrong, bad and good.  I am having a hard time accepting that they do not exist.

"bad and good are judgments.  they are not based on what exists, but on what you are *taught* about what exists."

but abandoning all judgment is counter to our evolutionary path.  judgment is what kept us alive, judging whether that person or animal is dangerous was key to survival, still is, in many cases.

"this is a vocabulary exercise.  when you assess whether someone or something is dangerous to your survival, that is different from judging that someone or something to be bad.  these are two separate ideas, the dangerousness of a thing and it's relative 'badness.'  humans frequently take the shortcut and just lump the two together.  and the 'badness' of a thing is something you made up.  it doesn't exist.

there is no good or bad.  there is no right or wrong.  there is only dark and light.  and then there are your preferences about the two.  do not confuse your preference for a thing for its 'rightness.'  it is just a preference.

humans are really hung up on the whole right and wrong thing.  let it go.  let go of the judgment."

abandoning judgments of everyone, including ourselves, seems god-like.


is that too much to expect from ourselves?

"no.  judgment is a habit, deeply ingrained through many lifetimes.  it was taught.  but you can let go of old habits and the fear that keeps you in them."

it's pretty simple, isn't it, what you are teaching?  vibrate at me, allow others to do the same, and live in love.


the concept is simple, but implementation...

"is as hard as you make it for yourself."


are there others like you on the planet?


are they all animals?

"not all.  but those who choose to come as animals are here to help you more directly as you learn to raise your vibration."

if there is no good or bad, why are we raising the vibration of the planet?

"to see if we can.  we have a preference.  this planet is of the light.  this planet is love.  it is time."