Friday, February 26, 2010


I asked millie yesterday how she knows all of this stuff.  she said she remembers it.  I asked her *how* she remembers it.  she sent me an image of marshmallows arranged in a spiral stair-step pattern, going down and also going up from where I was standing.  I couldn't make any sense out of that answer at first, then we were interrupted and I had to wait until the end of the day to resume our conversation.  finally, I asked her what the marshmallows represent.  she sent me a picture of pearls strung together.  I had a flash of understanding.  the pearls represent lifetimes.  then she took me back to the marshmallow image.

"each marshmallow is a distinct and complete lifetime, but they are all made of the same substance.  if you squish them all together, it makes one homogenous thing.  that thing is your experience as a spirit in body."

some of the marshmallows are darker, what does that mean?

"there is no wrong or right, there is only dark and light.  higher and lower vibrations.  we experiment with both.  you gravitate toward your preference, but you only know your preference because you have experienced both.  that is okay, that's how it works.

you must accept *all* of you, all of your experiences, the dark and the light.  then you will have more access to all of your knowledge.  your knowledge will be more accessible when you stop shutting out or denying the parts of you that are dark."

how many lifetimes did it take you to access all of your knowledge, once you accepted yourself?


how many will it take me?

"the planet is holding a higher vibration now -- it can be done immediately -- it is possible to do it now.  give yourself permission to accept all that you are."

millie, do you know everything?

"I know everything that I have learned, in all of my lifetimes."

that's a lot.


do you like being a cat?

"yes, I chose this."


"there are fewer humans than other animals.  being human offers the best opportunity for growth and change.  I do not need that level of growth and change, so I left it for someone who needs it more."

so you are fine-tuning?



thank you, millie.  as always, I am in awe of you.