Friday, April 9, 2010

peas in a pod

millie shows me peas in a pod.  that's what she called it, but I pictured edamame (soy beans) because that's what I'm familiar with.

"each pea is individual, separate, but together -- made of the same stuff.  they are both individual and the same, just like humans.  you are meant to grow together like peas.

no matter how different your lives, your personalities, your preferences, your outward appearances, you are all made of the same stuff.

notice how each pea is protected by a skin, a shell.  your protective layers keep you safe, but they keep you separate.  think about shedding all the protective layers you carry and being your authentic, naked self in in the world.  think about the fear that idea brings up.  look at that fear.  what is it?"

good question.

thanks, millie.