Thursday, February 11, 2010

love yourself

I don't know about you, but my response to millie's messages has been two-fold.  first, wow, what an amazing being she is, with such valuable information to share and how true it feels when I hear it.  and second, wow, what a horrible person I am, full of failings and shortcomings that she highlights almost daily.

"push your envelope.  reach for more, be willing to examine your deepest, darkest places and shine your light into them.  but the music that carries my lyrics, the ever-present meta-message to my communications, is LOVE YOURSELF.

love is the answer.  love is the key.  love love love love love love love love  love love love love love love love love  love love love love love love love love  love love love love love love love love  love love love love love love love love  love love love love love love love love  love love love love love love love love  love love love love love love love love  love love love love love love love love  love love love love love love love love  love love love love love love love love .

in order to do this work, in order to fully express who you are, you must be kind and gentle and respectful and reverent with you.  you must love yourself so that you can show others how to love."

I can tell you that millie delivers her messages with love, in love, with no trace of judgment or hint of impatience.  she embodies love.

thank you millie, we love you.