Friday, February 5, 2010

love, part 2

when I walked in the clinic today, millie was sitting in a sun spot on my desk, waiting.

"you are doing great.  you understand this better than you think.  relax into this feeling."

when I feel I am not 'getting' it, I tend to freeze up.  it's one of my things.  millie lay down in the sun on my desk and waited for me to un-clench.  we sat in silence until my thoughts wandered to how nice the sun felt on my arm.  then she spoke

"that is the feeling.  without the physical warmth, of course, but feel the energy, the vibration of the sun.  it is everywhere, in the air, in your body, in my body.  you don't have to search for it, it is just there.  that's how the love field is."

millie moved to the window, which always gives me some hope that I may be close to 'getting' it.  I am making this harder for myself than it needs to be.  as I sat here in the sunshine, I wondered, what is the difference between sunshine and love?

"you do not have to 'deserve' sunshine, you just accept that it is there, equally and everywhere, for everyone.  you enjoy it, you use it, you might take it for granted, but you are always aware of its presence.  love is the same.  you don't need to deserve it, it just is.  

enjoy the love, just as you do the sunshine.  stretch out in it, revel in it, soak it up.  it is there for you, for everyone.  there is no need to earn it, no need to worry, no sense in wondering whether you deserve it.  just enjoy it, feel it just by turning your thoughts to it.  it is freely available everywhere, to everyone. 

for now, practice thinking of the sunshine as love.  experiment with the idea that you don't have to do anything or be anything to be worthy of all the love in the universe.    

breathe it in, soak it up."

thanks, millie.

1 comment:

  1. After I read this I inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly, reflexively. I get it and like it.
