Wednesday, June 16, 2010


millie shows me a lazy river.  humans are floating by on inner tubes.  tall skinny mountains are protruding from the water, very narrow at the top, wider at the bottom.  some of the people are just bouncing off the sides of the mountains and floating on by.  others get stuck on a mountain and can't get around it.  at first I thought the mountains were people, but it was broader than that.  the mountains represent any frustration or annoyance, anything that you find yourself in resistance to.

"what you resist has power over you, you get stuck on it because of the attraction created by your resistance.  you each have your own particular mountains, you have attracted them in order to learn the lessons they hold for you."

she shows me the water level sinking.  because the mountains are wider at the bottom, it becomes increasingly difficult to get past them as the water goes down.  she then raises the water level, until it is quite easy to get past the mountain tops.  then she shows the water level a little above the mountain tops, accompanied by a very free and easy feeling.  once in a while a mountain top will brush the underside of an inner tube, but it is fleeting and brief.

"the water represents flow.  the more flow you have, the less resistance, the less time you spend stuck on any particular problem or issue."

I really like that, it feels great.  how do I increase my flow?

"turn up your trust, your ease.  intend your flow to be smooth and abundant.  turn down your fear and your resistance."

thank you, millie.

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