Tuesday, April 27, 2010


"each individual raindrop is small and seems insignificant, but together they can add up to mighty rivers, great lakes, massive floods."

the raindrops represent each of us as individuals, and they also represent the amount of growth we achieve, or information we take in at a time.

"the drops also represent your thoughts and actions.  the ripples stretching away from each raindrop as it hits the surface are the energetic resonance of your thoughts and actions.  thoughts and actions do not stop at the boundary of you and everything else, they resonate far beyond you."

she shows me a human sitting in water in the rain, the human dissolves and becomes part of the water, and then re-forms as a human.  she shows me this dissolving and reforming several times.

"your rain barrel, your personal store of knowledge and experience is at once distinct and also part of the whole.  water is water, where ever you find it it has the same physical and chemical properties, whether it is in a glass, or a steel tank, or a pond.  you can contain it differently, but it is all water, and all water knows itself.

the rain, the water that comes your way, is nothing new.  it is all a reminder, an awakening of what you already know, what you already are."

thank you, millie.

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