Saturday, February 20, 2010

life, death, immortality

"humans have a lot of scary pictures about death.  know that those are just pictures.  what you call death is just a transition, a way of moving between levels."

I couldn't exactly translate what millie sent me about what we move between.  dimensions isn't right, levels isn't exactly right either, it's more like 'beingnesses' which I decided was too unwieldy, not to mention made up.

she shows me a river of light, and human forms getting into boats and traveling down the river of light until they disappear into a blinding white light that the river is flowing toward.

"life and death are both part of the flow.  the flow is endless and circular.  when you incarnate, you leave friends and loved ones behind in order to live in a body, to experience and learn the things that you can only learn while in body.  when you leave each lifetime, you leave friends and loved ones behind so that you can transition out of your body.

the lessons you learn during each lifetime, each in-body experience, help to move you along on your path as a spirit.  each lifetime changes us, helps us grow, and then we graduate to the next topic, phase, place on our path."

millie uses 'us' to mean all of us, animals and humans.  she also says not every lifetime is for learning and growing.  sometimes we just live.  we don't have to have goals.  there is no one keeping score.

"spend your time savoring life.  squeeze every drop of juice from the fruit.  stay present in the moment, do not worry about the future.  the future does not exist.  wild animals do not worry about 'not dying' they concentrate on 'staying alive.'  focus on now.  now is real.

children and animals understand that there is no end, only change.  you learn your death pictures as you grow up in human society, and you agree to pick them up and carry them forward with you.  children and animals generally do not come into the world with death pictures.  they come in with the understanding that the you that is your spirit will never end, cannot be killed, will cycle through many lifetimes as the flow continues to move us all in the dance of life and death and life again.

we are all immortal, and each lifetime is a gift, a choice.  enjoy your time here, learn your lessons or not, know that you will be back.  set down your death pictures and enjoy the flow."

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