Sunday, February 14, 2010


"as powerful as you are alone, you are infinitely more powerful as a group.  when you co-create, you can change the world."

millie shows me a scene similar to the one on the beach, only this time there is a line of people walking hand-in-hand, along parallel paths, and each step brings them to the edge of creation -- the boundary between this moment and infinity -- each step is creation itself.  they are co-creating their world.

"this is very powerful.  when you walk together in love, intending to manifest together, incredible things happen."

I've seen 'the secret' and 'what the bleep,' and I have been thinking about the law of attraction as a sort of abstract and future-oriented idea.  by that I mean I believe I am creating my world, but it has always seemed to me that I was creating my future.  millie says we are creating our *now.*

"find your group, your community, your tribe.  walk together in love, intending healing for yourselves and for the planet.  create beauty and wonder and magic everywhere you look.  be in bliss.  be in ease.  be in love."

thank you, millie.

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