Wednesday, February 24, 2010

clear your space

I came to the office in a funk today.  nothing specific, just down and discouraged.  I was already wondering how to shake myself out of it.

millie showed me a human holding an umbrella in a soft rain.  there was a definite distinction between the atmosphere under the umbrella and the atmosphere outside of it.

"you are responsible for your space, for keeping it clear.  your space is approximately the size of the clearing under an umbrella.

to clear your space, give your own true vibration a color.  vibrate at that color for a moment, and then lighten it at least one shade.  bring your vibration up a notch.  think about vibrating at the new shade.  intend that you continue to vibrate at the lighter shade.  it doesn't require any effort, just intend.

use your tools.  check to make sure you are grounded. visualize the heavy energy leaving your space.  move it out with intention, without effort.  and it always helps to have a cat on your lap to pet.  we raise your vibration."

of course it worked.  I am feeling much better now.  I started with gray gloomy pictures of me under a black umbrella in a steady downpour on a cloudy day.  I ended up with a spring shower, the kind where the sun is shining through the rain, standing on bright spring green grass with little baby ducklings waddling around.  it was quite a shift.

and yes, millie was on my lap.  =)

thank you, millie.